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MPB e-Learning Options to Address Domain I: 

Lesson Design

1101: K-2 Numeracy with Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) -- NEW January 2024 

This course explores several early learning (grades K-2) elementary math topics using developmentally appropriate practices as the elemental instructional support resource.  This course advances through four (4) Instructional Modules that begin with Week #1 and end with Week #4 including topics such as integrating numeracy concepts, using data to drive instructional practices, utilizing developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) during math instruction, and application of concepts and learnings. The course requires the use of Mississippi Department of Education resources such as scaffolding documents, model lessons, and instructional planning guides to support best instructional practices in mathematics.  Weekly Learning Paths include readings, explanation videos, application of learning, and weekly reflections.


1102: 3-5 Intermediate Math with Standards for Mathematical Practices (SMP) -- NEW January 2024

This course explores several upper elementary or intermediate (grades 3-5) math topics using the standards for mathematical practices as the elemental instructional support resource.  This course advances through four (4) Instructional Modules that begin with Week #1 and end with Week #4 including topics such as implementing the standards for mathematical practices (SMP), using data to drive instructional practices, and application of concepts and learnings. The course requires the use of Mississippi Department of Education resources such as scaffolding documents, model lessons, and instructional planning guides to support best instructional practices in mathematics.  Weekly Learning Paths include readings, explanation videos, application of learning, discussion tasks, performance tasks, and weekly reflections.


1103: 6-8 Middle-Level Math with Standards for Mathematical Practices (SMP) -- NEW January 2024

This course explores several middle school math topics (grades 6-8) using the standards for mathematical practices as the elemental instructional support resource. This course advances through four (4) Instructional Modules that begin with Week #1 and end with Week #4 including topics such as implementing the standards for mathematical practices (SMP), using data to drive instructional practices, and application of concepts and learnings. The course requires the use of Mississippi Department of Education resources such as scaffolding documents, model lessons, and instructional planning guides to support best instructional practices in mathematics. Weekly Learning Paths include readings, explanation videos, application of learning, discussion tasks, performance tasks, and weekly reflections.


1201: Introduction to the Science of Reading 5-12 -- NEW May 2024

This course is designed to introduce secondary (5-12) teachers to The Science of Reading, the literacy initiative adopted by the Mississippi Department of Education. The course aims to assist secondary teachers in effectively adapting lessons to meet the needs of every reader – struggling or proficient – in their classroom. Participants will explore creative teaching strategies that support The Science of Reading. Teachers will be asked to try some of the strategies in their classroom, document the experiences, then discuss the pros and cons with other learners in weekly discussions.


1202: ELA-Following the MAP & Beyond (R2024)

All teachers want to see their students be successful throughout the year and on year-end assessments. In their success, we can celebrate that learning has occurred, which is the ultimate goal in education! The primary focus when it comes to the year-end assessment of our students in Mississippi is the Mississippi Assessment Program (MAP). In this workshop, participants will learn to access, understand, and interpret available MAP English and Language Arts resources. Instruction and resources will be provided to help participants be able to better prepare their students for answering closed-ended, open-ended, and performance task items by developing, adjusting, and evaluating lessons, units, and assessments to be comparable to MAP testing. Finally, participants will be given instruction on how to locate and synthesize various text forms and genres and be provided with multiple suggestions for differentiating instruction in the ELA classroom.


1203: Writing Across the Curriculum (R2024)

This course is designed for K – 12 classroom teachers who share a responsibility for helping their students become successful writers. Writing allows students to develop critical and creative thinking skills in every subject area. This course will assist you in developing techniques to teach and assess writing in all areas of the curriculum. By the end of this workshop, participants will understand:

  • How to use writing as a learning tool in all content areas
  • How writing can build critical thinking skills
  • How to incorporate technology with content area writing
  • Evaluation methods for content area writing


1500: How to Incorporate Technology/PBS Learning Media

The How to Incorporate Technology in the Classroom with PBS Learning Media course is designed to help educators in PreK–12 settings to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices using the vast array of free educational resources provided by PBS LearningMedia. The course aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to leverage digital media effectively, making their classroom instruction more relevant, engaging, and inclusive while fostering equitable learning opportunities for all students. The course "How to Incorporate Technology in the Classroom with PBS Learning Media" offers educators a comprehensive understanding of the platform and its features, guiding them through the registration process and setting up accounts for educators and students. Participants learn to navigate the extensive library of free educational resources while exploring the research-backed benefits of technology integration in education. They examine effective practices for incorporating digital media into lesson plans, adapting teaching methods to create meaningful learning experiences with digital resources. The course emphasizes leveraging PBS LearningMedia's diverse content to design engaging lessons, utilizing multimedia creation tools, and integrating interactive elements and assessments into lessons. Educators are encouraged to identify and select resources representing diverse perspectives and cultures, ensuring inclusivity and representation in learning materials.


1900: Fit, Healthy and Ready to Succeed: Incorporating Positive Health Strategies in the Classroom (R2024)

As of February 2007, Mississippi passed a new Healthy Students Act that describes eight components of overall wellness that our students need to increase healthy days at school and better academic performance. This piece of legislation is significant because its mission is to decrease obesity, emotional distress, and lost years of life in our youth by requiring more physical activity, increased social support and healthier food choices in schools each day. This act also encourages staff wellness, which is important for teaching our teachers and administrators how to model healthy behaviors each day in front of Mississippi's young people. Statistics show that this generation of Mississippi children will be the first generation that will not outlive their parents--unless something is done to prevent this disparity.

This four-week online course is designed to equip teachers and physical education instructors with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement some components of the wellness policy in the classroom or any school setting. In this course participants will engage in a variety of activities and readings that focus on food choices, weight management, stress management, healthy relationships, and disease prevention that will increase awareness and promote positive behavior changes in the classroom.


MPB e-Learning Options to Address Domain II: 

Student Understanding

2101: Teaching the Struggling Reader (R2024)

This class focuses on reviewing strategies and investigating ourselves, as educators, to better understand both what we know and how to improve the implementation of assessments and evaluations. The course will briefly investigate the micro-science of test construction and how to help students with test-taking success.


2201: Best Practices for Differentiated Instruction in K-12 Classrooms (R2024)

This workshop is designed to assist K – 12 teachers in effectively adapting lessons to meet the needs of a diverse group of learners. Participants will explore creative teaching strategies and assessments that support differentiated instruction and become familiar with strategies for managing a DI classroom. Teachers are encouraged to try some of the strategies in their classroom and discuss pros and cons with other learners in weekly discussions. By the end of this workshop, participants will understand:

  • Strategies that support DI.
  • Become familiar with strategies for managing a DI classroom.
  • How to develop a final product that incorporates DI strategies to meet the needs of learners.


2401: Test-taking Tips and Strategies

This class focuses on reviewing strategies and investigating ourselves, as educators, to better understand both what we know and how to improve the implementation of assessments and evaluations. The course will briefly investigate the micro-science of test construction and how to help students with test-taking success.



MPB e-Learning Options to Address Domain III: 

Culture & Environment

3101: Setting the Successful Classroom

With so many variables impacting your classroom, this course is designed to give a fresh outlook on how to set up your classroom. There is discussion about 21st century learners. This course is designed to help develop 21st century teachers.


3102: Classroom Management Tips and Techniques

As educators we learn theories and philosophies about classroom management but seldom learn practical methods for effective management. Classroom management involves a positive classroom environment, appropriate standards of behavior for students, student engagement, and effective management of routines and transitions. Establishing daily routines early in the school year is essential to effective classroom management. This workshop is intended to give teachers a practical guide to classroom management.


3200: Integrating Visual Arts in the K-12 Curriculum NEW January 2025

Discover the power of arts integration in elementary education with Integrating Visual Arts into the K-12 Curriculum. This updated course explores the value of visual arts in the classroom through in-depth studies of Mississippi artists, interactive discussions, and hands-on lesson planning. Participants will analyze best practices, examine arts-integrated lesson plans, and create their own arts-infused unit of study. Whether you are new to arts integration or looking to refine your approach, this course provides the tools and inspiration to enhance student learning through creative expression.



MPB e-Learning Options to Address Domain IV: 

Professional Responsibility

4101: Diving into Dyslexia  NEW May 2024

Recognizing the reasons for students who experience challenges in reading may be somewhat disconcerting without sufficient understanding. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of dyslexia that includes brain research, screening/diagnostics for dyslexia, Mississippi Dyslexia Law, and treatment. Comorbid disabilities that are commonly seen in individuals with dyslexia will be explained, as well as the roles of the parent, classroom teacher, and administrator. Applied learning assignments will reinforce the information to promote better understanding of this common learning disability that affects reading.


4201: Teaching Children with Mental and Behavioral Issues

This workshop is designed to assist K- 12 teachers, specialists, and counselors in effectively meeting the emotional, social, and academic needs of a diverse group of learners. Participants will explore differences in behavior and learning, the possible causes and techniques for helping students with differences optimize productivity in school. Creative teaching strategies and discipline tactics assist teachers in managing a classroom filled with varied personalities and needs. Teachers are encouraged to try some of the strategies in their classroom and discuss pros and cons with other learners in weekly discussions.


4301: Got Data! So What? Now What? NEW Summer 2024

Ever since the inception of No Child Left Behind, there has been a broad focus on collecting data. The question is, now we have an abundance of data, so what? It seems that there is an intense focus on the percentage of students scoring proficient, yet a deep uncertainty among many teachers as to what else needs to be examined. Collecting the data is only a small piece of the puzzle. Yes, we must celebrate the students who are succeeding, but we must pay special attention to understanding why the others demonstrate more limited success. This course provides a stepwise approach to managing and evaluating ALL the other data and designing an effective plan for supporting the progress of the rest of the students in moving toward success.
Assessing the Design – Were assessment items presented in the same ways that students were accustomed to experiencing, or were students missing the point rather than failing to understand the algorithm or concept at hand? This gap might signal a need to revise the ways of assessment in the teacher-made instruments to better align with benchmark and MAAP methods of assessing.
Distinguishing the Algorithm from the Concept – Are students understanding how to work the basic math, but failing to understand when to use it? This gap probably means they need more practice with visualizing the concept in application.
Differentiation of Instruction – Has instruction been delivered in multiple ways to meet the variety of learning styles and performance levels represented? If not, reviewing it in the same way is unlikely to provide different results; louder and harder is not the recommended strategy.

4500: Getting Started with MTSS  NEW Fall 2024

MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports. It’s a framework used in schools to provide targeted support to students who are struggling academically or behaviorally. The goal of MTSS is to intervene early so students can catch up with their peers. Gain a full understanding of the basic roles and responsibilities of the MTSS Team to implement the three tiers, some recommended strategies for intervention, and expectations for documenting the process:
Tier 1: Universal instruction and support for all students.
Tier 2: Targeted interventions for students who need additional help.
Tier 3: Intensive, individualized support for students with significant needs.

Special Education Inclusion

Special Education Inclusion is a four-week course designed for General Education and Special Education Instructors grades K - 12, as well as Administrators. The course is designed to provide a basis for K-12 teachers and administrators to collaborate on understanding the best practices for integrating students with disabilities into the regular education classroom by defining key concepts in relation to Special Education Inclusion.


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