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Welcome to the Digital Education Network from MPB Learning!

Each participating class requires a facilitator. Facilitators have a critical role in the success of classes on the DEN network. The facilitator’s role as classroom manager at the remote or receiving sites is to maintain discipline, provide instructional assistance and make the experience go as smoothly as possible. Teachers and facilitators will be trained and supported by MPB staff to operate the equipment and perform basic troubleshooting tasks.


  • Highly qualified, certified teachers
  • A network of nearly 30 schools who can provide teachers
  • Classes not offered in rural school districts
  • Effective cost-saving opportunity for school systems by eliminating the cost of a full-time teacher

Find out how the DEN network can benefit your school district. Send a message to

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NEW for Fall 2024:


  • Pre-recorded instruction delivered by highly qualified, certified teachers
  • On-demand secondary courses – Algebra I, Biology, English II, & U.S. History
    • 160 Instructional Segments per course
    • 10-20 Minutes per Segment
    • MCCRS-Aligned Instruction
    • Daily Assignments
    • Formative Assessments
    • MAAP-Aligned Questions embedded in Summative Assessments
  • Recommended facilitators
    • Part-time retired local certified teachers
    • Retired teachers at local MCCB or IHL sites
    • Graduate students at local IHLs

Coming Soon:

More ASYNCHRONOUS DEN courses being developed:

  • ACT Prep
  • ACT WorkKeys Prep

While each participating class requires a live facilitator, participating students in the ASYNCHRONOUS DEN courses have access to FREE real-time online Tutorial Support:

  • 24/7 via
  • Scheduled support via Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science Students

What is DEN?

MPB is the statewide hub for this technology, which is connected with interactive video networks throughout Mississippi, other states and countries. DEN is a free service to Mississippi schools designed to enhance learning through the utilization of technology. DEN provides a variety of courses – mathematics, foreign language, chemistry, engineering, ACT test preparation and more which may otherwise be unavailable to students in minimally staffed schools.

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