Mississippi Public Broadcasting is making available for a limited time its iconic collection of original television programs titled MPB Classics. The shows document the local culture and history like literature, visual arts, folklore, music, storytellers and more.
Over the next three years, sets of MPB Classics television programs will be available free of charge on video.mpbonline.org for two months. Afterward, they will be accessible through MPB Passport for subscribers.
Literary Titans is the January series offering and features:
- William Faulkner: A Life on Paper (1979)
The feature-length film chronicles William Faulkner's life and his fictional Yoknapatawpha County. A portrait is painted of Mississippi's only Nobel Prize winning author through interviews with Faulkner's family and contemporaries. - Richard Wright: Black Boy (1994)
The program tells how Richard Wright became a literary and cultural phenomenon. Through his work, he put the Jim Crow South's harsh realities on display, leading to both acclaim and controversy.
Coming in February is the Visual Arts series with:
- The Mad Potter of Biloxi: George E. Ohr
- Marie Hull: Her Changing Canvas
- Dusti Bonge: The Life of an Artist
- Walter Anderson: The Islander