Mississippians across 8 designated counties can now apply for a reimbursement program that will cover much of the costs of a private storm shelter.
Program aims to help Mississippians build personal storm shelters

Mississippians across 8 designated counties can now apply for a reimbursement program that will cover much of the costs of a private storm shelter.
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency is launching the Individual Safe Room Program using disaster relief funding from FEMA. Currently, the program is open to residents in the 8 counties which all received a Backwater Flooding Tornado Disaster declaration. Malary White, spokesperson with MEMA, says the total funding is expected to assist in the costs of around 600 storm shelters, with hopes of expanding the program in the future.
White says “Once the deadline hits of October 31, and if we have enough funding still available from this grant, we will then open it up to the counties that had public assistance from the backwater flooding, and if there money still available from that same grant we’ll open it up statewide.”
White says applicants could be eligible for a 75% reimbursement or up to $3500 in costs of installing a safe room or storm shelter.
Before any construction can be done, approval must be granted, and the program will not reimburse for already completed projects. Those participating in the program must use a licensed contractor for the installation. Enrique Maradiaga is with Torshel, a company that manufacturers storm shelters, safe rooms and vaults, which can be installed inside a home, in a garage, or outdoors.
“It’s been proved that the units will protect your family from strong winds, either above ground units and in-ground units. People tend to think the in-ground unit is going to offer you a better degree of protection and then underestimate the above ground units. No. Both have been tested. They will stand the forces of nature.”
Maradiaga does caution residents living in flood-prone areas to opt for an above-ground unit, as the underground ones could become inundated.
Renters are not eligible for the individual safe room program. More information can be found on My.MSEMA.ORG.