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Mississippi's Primary Election


Mississippi's Primary Election

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Voters cast their ballots

Mississippi is one of 6 states voting in federal primary elections today. MPB's Kobee Vance reports on what's on the ballot.

Today's Primary Election will help decide the presidential nominee for the Democratic and Republican parties. Former Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard are competing for 36 Democratic delegates in Mississippi.
Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Bobby Moak says former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg spent a lot of money creating campaign infrastructure in the state before he dropped out of the race.

"I don't know for a fact, but I believe Biden is getting the benefit of a lot of that based on national networks and the information we have heard. So, you know that puts something else in the coffer for Biden. I would expect him to do very well in the state."

Voters will also cast ballots for one U.S. Senate seat and three of the state's four U.S. House seats.

In Mississippi's Republican primary, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith is running unopposed for reelection. Her biggest opponent is Democrat Mike Espy, who she ran against in 2018. He's seeking the Democratic nomination again. Mason Dixon Polling estimates Hyde-Smith leads Espy by 10 percent.

Lucien Smith, Chairman for the Mississippi Republican Party, expects Hyde-Smith to hold the lead and be re-elected.

"Her performance in 18' was about what you would expect for the first time she was on the ballot for senator. I think she'll do even better this time. We will make sure as a party and as a movement that we're unified behind Senator Hyde-Smith and that we make sure that all the people who want conservative government coming out of Washington show up to vote for her in November."

Polls open at 7:00 am and will close at 7:00 tonight. Voters are required to show a photo ID at the polls.