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Mississippi’s governor proposes $1.3 billion investment into road and bridge improvements

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Governor Tate Reeves announces his plans to fund several major road projects throughout the state.
Kobee Vance, MPB News

Mississippi’s governor is proposing a $1.3 billion dollar investment into road and bridge projects across the state. He says these roadways and interchanges are key points in the state’s supply chain.

Kobee Vance

Mississippi’s governor proposes $1.3 billion investment into road and bridge improvements


Governor Tate Reeves is requesting the legislature to allocate nearly 1.3 billion dollars to fund the final stages of 24 major roadway projects. Reeves says the planning stages of these projects are already complete, but they lack funding to move forward. He also has a plan to fund site development projects.

Reeves says “My plan will announce investments $57 million dollars for site development programs around the state. It covers every region. My proposal is an actionable plan that will increase further economic growth and set up our fellow Mississippians for further prosperity.”

The $57 million dollars needed for the industrial mega-sites would come from capital expense funds. And the other $1.3 billion dollar project would come from the state’s surplus and go towards key infrastructure areas.

No estimates are available at this time for how much return in economic growth this could bring Mississippi, but Reeves says improving infrastructure is a necessity for bringing in outside companies or expanding the state’s current businesses.

“Investments in infrastructure makes sense. My appeal is pretty simple to our friends in the legislature. Think big,” says Reeves. “Lets think big and do big things for Mississippi. Because if we do, we’ll continue to see the kind of economic growth and prosperity that we’ve been able to deliver for the people over the last three years.”

Reeves says this proposal can be accomplished without harming state budgets or having to use money in the emergency road and bridge repair fund.