Mississippi is now one of the worst states for new lung cancer cases according to a recently published report.
Mississippi one of the worst in the nation for lung cancer
Mississippi is now one of the worst states for new lung cancer cases according to a recently published report.
Mississippi one of the worst in the nation for lung cancer
Lacey Alexander
The American Lung Association’s 5th annual “State of Lung Cancer” report reveals that Mississippi ranks 47th in the nation for new cases of lung cancer. The report reveals that 73.2 per 100,000 residents were diagnosed in 2022, whereas the national rate is 56.7.
Mike Seilback is with the American Lung Association, and he says that the key to lowering these numbers is detecting the cancer early.
“Mississippi has a lot of progress that it could make on reducing the toll of lung cancer,” he said. “we need to do a better job making sure eligible Mississippians receive lung cancer screenings.”
Various factors such as smoking and radon exposure affect lung cancer risks, but Seilback says adults under a specific set of circumstances should definitely get tested.
“If you’re between the ages 50 and 80 years old and you have what’s considered a 20-pack history for smoking,” he said “and you’re either currently still smoking or have quit in the last 15 years, you might be eligible for lung cancer screenings.”
21% of Mississippi's newly diagnosed lung cancer cases reportedly received no treatment, and the state was ranked 42nd in lung cancer survival.