State leaders gathered on Tuesday to celebrate the completion of Comcast’s broadband expansion in the towns of Bolton and Edwards.
Will Stribling
Comcast completes broadband expansion in Bolton and Edwards
With Comcast's broad band build out complete, more than 1,700 homes and businesses in rural Hinds County now have high-speed internet access. Students and educators huddled inside the gym at Bolton-Edwards Elementary Middle School for the announcement.
Congressman Bennie Thompson attended the event, and touted this project an an investment in Mississippi students. Thompson also reflected on his upcoming in Hinds County, and how far the school has come since it was built.
"I've gone to school, my entire public school career, in Hinds County," Thompson said. "I've seen how far we've come in this community... our children deserve the best that money can buy if they are to compete all over the world with students."
Governor Tate Reeves also celebrated the expansion, saying that projects like this are needed to give Mississippi students the opportunities they deserve.
"It should never matter what your zip code is," Reeves said. "Opportunities for success should be available for everybody in Mississippi and today is another step in that direction to make that a reality."
At the event, Comcast also announced a partnership with the Town of Bolton Development Corporation that surprised the nearly 400 kindergarten–8th grade students at the school with free laptops.