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Black Caucus Speaks Out on Killing of George Floyd and Moving State Forward

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Members of Legislative Black Caucus Speaking at Capitol
Desare Frazier, MPB News

Members of the Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus are speaking out about the police killing of George Floyd and others by officers. They're calling on the legislative leadership to work with them to combat injustice in the state.

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"House Bill 1004, this bill would require law enforcement agencies wear body cameras."

House Democrat John Faulkner of Holly Springs is listing some of the bills he says the state's Legislative Black Caucus has introduced in past sessions to improve policing.

"Again they all died in committee," says Faulkner.

Black caucus members are at the capitol to talk about the killing of George Floyd by police officers, the protests and moving Mississippi forward. House Democrat Cheikh Taylor of Starkville says they are mourning.

"Now what do I mean by a state of mourning? Systemic racism, police brutality, poverty, healthcare disparities, a failing economy and now Covid 19 are all converging on the same pressure point and now we witness a very public lynching of George Floyd," said Taylor.

Lawmakers say they want to work with the Republican leadership to pass bills that address systemic issues including improving policing. Democrat Zakiya Summers is from Jackson.

"And so I am calling, my children are calling, my communities are calling, all of Mississippi is calling on all of us as legislators to not just stand against racism, discrimination and oppression but to be intentional in our actions to make real
transformative change," said Summers.

Lawmakers say this is a pivotal moment and Mississippi can lead the nation in reforming policing.