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Can I Kick It?: Pressure

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High school students feel a lot of pressure, to be perfect, to succeed, to live. This PSA talks about high school dropout rates and the pressure students face. This program is an outreach initiative of Mississippi Public Broadcasting’s Education Department and was filmed during the 2016 Can I Kick It? Youth Summer Media Institute.


The Youth Media Summer Institute provides both a service learning and educational technology component which allows students creative ways to engage in two weeks of leadership development, media production training, and creation of short documentaries and narratives in groups to address Mississippi’s Dropout Crisis.  With video cameras in hand, students realize the power of voice and recognize the clarity of vision.

Through documentary film work, students have the opportunity to tell their own stories, express amazing ideas, and creatively share their concerns and solutions with the world.  Participants learn to work collaboratively, set goals, and develop leadership skills.

Students are recommended by their principals and/or counselors based on behavioral infractions, high truancy levels and low academic scores.

The Youth Media Summer Institute is normally held the last two weeks of July.   


Makallen Kelly

Asaye Jones

Story by
Shaniya Johnson

Makallen Kelly
Shaniya Johnson

Contributing Writers
Asaye Jones
Alexia Ford
Tyelor Reid

Alexia Ford

Sound Engineer
Michael Hargrove of Delta State sound studios

Tyelor Ford
Shaniya Johnson

Executive Director (Producer), MPB
Ronnie Agnew

Deputy Executive Director for Education, MPB
Maggie Stevenson

Chief Counsel and Deputy Director, MPB
Joseph Gatlin

Director of Production, MPB
John Gibson

Director of Community Engagement, MPB
Sharon Person

Production Coordinator
Thabi Moyo

Dropout Prevention Coordinator, MPB
Shantay Griffith

MPB Education
Margie Banks
Helen Dukes
Tonya Garcia
Shelia Brown Robinson
Roshondra Sipp
Tolarrious Washington

MPB Production
Scott Colwell
Taiwo Gaynor

MPB Radio
Jonas Adams
Lasharne Patton

MPB Communications
Ellie Banks
Ashley Jefcoat
Mari Irby
Tara Wren

MPB Art Department
Christy Chamblee
Melissa Webster

MPB Business Office
Joyce Jerrolds
Paul Moore

Producer Mentors
Artrial Clark
Randy Kwan
Ashtin Rocks
Simba Sims

Filming Locations
Mississippi Public Broadcasting
Mississippi Library Commission
Smith Will Stadium

Special Thanks
Prince Duren & Maddrama
Lawrence Quinn
Sam Minter
Marshall Ramsey
Carlos Wilson
Delta State University - Delta Music Institute
Tiffany Yelder
Steve Renfrow - Mississippi Baseball Club
Jessica Simien
Maranda Joiner
Rosaline McCoy
Jason Clark
Kristen Ley
Felix Anderson
Councilman Tyrone Hendrix
Councilman Melvin Priester

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